D. student in the Umeno Laboratory, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Graduate School of Informat…
Nagato Ohya (D2)
Obtained US patent for image compression technique using centrality sets, “Data processing method in tre…
Keishi Takahisa (M2)
Yuta Tsusaka (M2)
I joined the Department of Physical Statistics in April 2021 and received the degree of BSc in Informatics fro…
Natuki Takenami (M2)
I joined this laboratory from April 2021, and received a bachelor’s degree from KyotoUniversity at the e…
Suguru Iwasaki (M2)
I received a BSc in informatics from Kyoto University in 2022. I am interested in chaotic sequences and machin…
Hiroki Matsuyama (M2)
I received BSc in Applied Mathmatics and Physics from Kyoto University.I am conducting research on communicati…